In 1930 Mahatma Gandhi marched from Ahmedabad to Dandhi to protest the 7000% injust Salt Law. The crippling tax accounted was something to stand up against. Today, the great social cause of our time is not a national movement but a global crisis to protect the home of our world family. We are launching a number of Environment focused intiatives this year and will do everything in our power to serve. Last December, a wonderful group joined me and the GD team to cycle the route Gandhi walked to launch a campaign to promote cycling and the plating of trees. This year - I request you to join us for a virtual charity cycing event. Don't miss this great opportunity to join us, get fit whilst cycling for our Environment from your town, city or even from home. We are incredibly thankful to leading the sports company Decathlon Sports India for partnering with us! I look forward to cycling with you and grateful to everyone who has signed up. Join us today:

Posted by Hanuman Dass at 2020-11-20 07:35:14 UTC