Have you registered for the Open Heart Satsang with Eddie Stern and Hanuman Dass? Join us today in London and take an extraordinary opportunity to learn from Eddie Stern, one of the best and well-recognised yoga teachers in the world in conversation with Hanuman Dass, founder of Go Dharmic. Eddie is travelling to London from NYC on International Day of Yoga. The discussion will largely focus on how we can use Yoga and other spiritual techniques to relieve our own suffering and the suffering of others in our world. We will open our hearts together and deeply explore how we can heal ourselves and our planet through love and compassion. Eddie Stern is a Yoga instructor, author, and researcher from NYC. He began practicing Yoga in NY in 1987 followed by 19 years of study of Ashtanga Yoga in Mysore and went on to become a Yoga teacher to the celebrities in New York. Over the past two decades he has focused on non-profit work providing access to Yoga for underserved youth in public education and those at risk to gun violence in inner cities. He is the author of the best-selling One Simple Thing, a New Look at the Science of Yoga and How it can Transform Your Life. Go Dharmic is a humanitarian organisation working to establish a better, more dharmic world through social action campaigns for food poverty Alleviation, disaster relief, environmental action and much more. Hanuman Dass is founder of Go Dharmic and author of the Power of Dharma and Moving Mountains: A Guide to the Hanuman Chalisa. The conversation will be introduced with a Meditation by longtime Yoga teacher Claire Missingham. Date: Monday Jun 19 • 18:30 BST Location: OMNOM 116N Upper St Islington Square, London, N1 1QP Link to Join: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/open-heart-satsang-tickets-629205981027?aff=eand This event is FREE to attend and donations at Godharmic.com/donate are welcome.

Posted by Go Dharmic at 2023-06-19 08:57:12 UTC