We are happy to announce .... drumrolls 🤩 Our December TOP CONTRIBUTORS!! @Savan | GD Northampton @Arpan Sarkar (Apu) @lynn @elina @Claudia van Zuiden @uday.gosalia @Nidhi Parmar Kudos to your wonderful efforts!👏🏻 TOP CONTRIBUTORS PROGRAM is a way for Go Dharmic to recognise and acknowledge members who have gone above and beyond to get involved in the community 🧡 Every month,we acknowledge our Top app contributors of the month and reward them with an exclusive badge (displayed on the members profile). How to get into the top 10? Anyone can be a contributor❗ It's simple by being active in the community. The more you post, comment and like the more are your chances to be in the top 10 🥳

Posted by Unnati at 2023-01-09 06:01:59 UTC