Universal Declaration of Human Rights—Article 14 Everyone has the right to seek and enjoy other countries' asylum from persecution. Today is World Refugee Day, and we are celebrating the rights, status and dignity of refugees. Together, we remember that every human being is a person and is imbued with value. We are all part of the human family. In the last 5 months, we have been dedicated to helping Ukrainians fleeing the war zone. We’ve had teams on the Polish and Romanian borders giving out food kits, clothing and blankets, and hygiene products. We’ve assisted with travel arrangements and accommodation. So many lives have been shattered through the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, and we are dedicated to helping people get the security to live and thrive they deserve. #worldrefugeeday #humanrights #ukraine #russia #war #poland #polandborder #artical14 #ukrainerussiaconflict #helpingpeople #conflict #warzone #Romanian #refugee #loveall #serveall #feedall #godharmic #makeadifference #compassioninaction

Posted by Go Dharmic at 2022-06-20 12:52:46 UTC