@rahilbabariya Our appreciation post goes out to rahil for his selfless service in Northampton. Here is what his thoughts were based on his experience. Thank you @rahilbabariya from the whole team _Thinking of my time at GoDharmic, I recall being grateful every single time I had that opportunity to serve and help those in need. The organisation perfectly exemplies sewa in real life and I have loved spending time their with other selfless volunteers. As an overseas student here in the UK, this has been my best feel-good factor that reminds me where I come from and the values I was raised to champion. Special mention to Savanbhai and the Northampton team who have worked consistently prioritising sewa as a fundamental activity in life, I have taken lots of learnings from them_

Posted by Savan | GD Northampton at 2022-05-02 17:10:36 UTC