2021 has been difficult for many people. Starting with the disaster in Uttarakhand, the COVID-19 second wave, followed by Cyclones and Earthquakes....!! It has been challenging for the entire global community to cope with these disasters. People have lost so much and we can't bring their loved ones back or solve everything, but there is a lot we can do. Every act of kindness is meaningful during difficult times and the work of Go Dharmic is to galvanise support and relieve suffering in anyway we can. We have been providing relief aid kits, hot meals, food packs, first aid and medical assistance throughout the COVID pandemic. We hope and pray 2022 will be kind & compassionate to everyone, but more so we hope and pray that we will grow our beloved community of kind-hearted volunteers in help relieve suffering in many more Cities and Countries around the world. 🙏 Support our initiatives & help us to #MakeADifference

Posted by Go Dharmic at 2021-12-30 15:30:35 UTC