The pandemic has affected the lives of people in various ways. The economic challenges have led people to leave their houses and look for opportunities wherever possible. Meet Chhaya, a 13 year old staying in rural Gujarat. Her family had to undergo a similar situation in these challenging times, and she was away from her parents for a long time. A girl is far more likely to be denied her rights, kept from school, forced to marry and subjected to violence – her voice undervalued if it’s heard at all. With our recent #DigitisingEducation under #ShapeAFuture campaign, we ensured Chhaya had access to education from home. An online curriculum where children can learn to read, write and speak English digitally. It is a proud moment for us that Chhaya is not only spending her days learning new things but also excelling at them. This #InternationalDayOfGirlChild, we celebrate all the girls and strive to empower them to reach for the stars and always be their best selves! To support the education of girls like Chhaya, donate: Internationally: India:
Posted by Go Dharmic at 2021-10-11 14:01:09 UTC