Sakshi, a GD volunteer, based in Gujarat, dealt with first-hand requests for our 'India COVID Relief Campaign'. She got calls & messages at odd hours from across the country and ensured they were urgently and compassionately attended. There were times when the team was trying to arrange inventories and waiting for supplies to be sent. The most challenging part in this entire process was saying no if we, for some reason, couldn't provide help. 'I'd say that this whole thing has to be the life-altering point of my life. It made me more calm and composed. It also taught me the importance of humanity, the importance of kind words that people are longing to hear during these difficult times. Being more gentle and thoughtful towards our society is a part of our Dharma.' Sakshi Thakkar

Posted by Go Dharmic at 2021-06-15 13:30:38 UTC