A beautiful heart gone way too soon. Today we are heartbroken and have very sad news to share that our beloved brother, friend and Go Dharmic Cheif Financial Officer has left the body. He has been on a Ventilator for nearly a month due to COVID-19 and ultimately his orgains succumbed to this awful virus. Ronit Shah has tradgically left his wife Ripal and two young daughters Arohi (8) and Dwisha (3). Ronit has left us way too early, he was only 39 years old. He was a soft-spoken, kind hearted Chartered Accountant and deeply cared about Go Dharmic. He played an instrumental role in managing the Finances for the organisation and establishing our Ahmedabad office. Ronit will be dearly missed by his young family, me and all of us at GD. We pray that his atma finds peace and that all of his family members get through this difficult time together. We will be dedicating all of the Go Dharmic food distributions this week to Ronit's loving memory. We thank God and Guru for bringing you into our lives. All love. Ram Naam Satya Hai. Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti.

Posted by Go Dharmic at 2021-05-31 08:13:44 UTC