We receive hundreds of requests everyday seeking various kinds of help. Our team works in all their capacity to try and help everyone who reaches us out. Jugnu Saluja, was looking for an oxygen cylinder for his mother who is battling with COVID-19 since last few days. Her oxygen levels were dropping between 80-85. With an acute shortage of oxygen supply everywhere, he was facing a hard time for about 6-7hours to procure an oxygen cylinder to save his mother's life. Jugnu, is recovering from COVID-19 and is undergoing his treatment from last 17days. It was through various calls that Jugnu was connected to us and our team could help him out with an oxygen cylinder in time. A small act of kindness can do wonders. Each help, each call, each effort counts. We are grateful to be able to help people needing help. Love all. Serve all.

Posted by Go Dharmic at 2021-04-29 18:04:28 UTC