Hi all, If you are joining the Zoom for the Make a Difference live call for Go Dharmic pls note the following: The session has a widespread of speakers from around the world who share insights, learnings, inspirations and updates. Date: 16-04-2021 Time: 12:30 PM Here are few general housekeeping rules to bear in mind while on the call - 1. Please stay on theme! The Make a difference call is an opportunity to share inspiring work that you/ others are doing and ideas inside and out of Go Dharmic. 2. Please do not discuss topics or ask questions that are irrelevant to social action, compassion and charitable efforts. 3. The call will be a maximum of 45 mins (If you miss your slot you will be given priority on the following week). 4. Join the line 5 minutes prior to the actual time to help our technical team set up the call flawlessly. 5. This session will be recorded and streamed live on our YouTube. Hence, it is requested to keep your video on. 6. Please unmute only when it's your turn to speak to avoid better audio reception. 7. Each speaker will be allotted 2-3 minutes to speak and interact with Hemal. Please keep your conversation brief. 8. Please share our YouTube link (https://www.youtube.com/user/GoDharmic/featured) with your friends and family to watch our conversation. 9. Please feel free to share any links in the Youtube chat. Contact - jessica@godharmic.com to join the calls.

Posted by Jessica | GD HR Manager at 2021-04-16 10:12:02 UTC