That’s how our #makeadifference call looks like! Would you like to join in the call and speak to amazing people and share your ideas too? Then drop a message to @Jessica | GD HR Manager to get the link! Time for the call - Friday, 12:30 PM GMT / 5:00 PM IST You can watch us live on our YouTube channel (@godharmic) to get insights regarding the work in and around Go Dharmic! #fridaycall #friday #makeadifference #volunteers #livesession #live #youtube #godharmic #gdforall #loveall #serveall #feedall #india #uk #london #luton #glasgow #northampton #wembley #ahmedabad #kolkata #joinus #charity #ngo #zoomcall

Posted by Go Dharmic at 2021-03-31 15:27:28 UTC