'A woman is like a teabag, the strength of which is only known when dipped in hot water!' On this International Women's Day, I wish you show the world how strong you are - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually! In this post Covid-19 world which has affected almost every sphere of an individual's life, let it be an opportunity for women to excel and show their true strength. Born leaders, let us be realised as true leaders for all the work that we do!! Let us lead, with love and compassion. Let us not shy away from the praises and compliments bestowed upon us. Let us not be bogged down by the patriarchal social norms but show what a gender-just society looks like!! Let us empower each other by giving them the strength needed in times of crisis. Let us support each other, always! Let us learn to fight and stand up to social evils together. Let our presence be felt. Let the society believe and recognise the power and strength of women, and appreciate the same!! Happy International Women's Day, 2021!πŸ’œ

Posted by Jessica | GD HR Manager at 2021-03-08 17:08:54 UTC